Gang Yan

Distinguished Professor
School of Physical Science and Engineering
& State Key Laboratory of Autonomous Intelligent Systems
Tongji University
Shanghai, China

My research aims to develop innovative theories and computational tools for better understanding, anticipating and controlling real-world complex networks and systems.
Specific topics my current effort focuses on include:

  • Network science
  • Brain structure and dynamics
  • AI for science
  • My research results have been published in Nature, Nature Physics, Nature Computational Science, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review X, AAAI, IEEE Trans., etc.
    For more details please visit my ORCID or Google Scholar Profile .

    2022 NSFC Distinguished Young Scholar (国家杰青)
    2018 First Prize for Natural Sciences, Ministry of Education, China
    2016 One Thousand Youth Talents Program Awardee
    2009 First Prize for Science and Technology, Anhui Province, China

    2023-present Distinguished Professor, Tongji University, China
    2020-present PI, State Key Laboratory of Autonomous Intelligent Systems, China
    2020-2022 Professor (with tenure), Tongji University, Shanghai, China
    2017-2020 Professor (without tenure), Tongji University, Shanghai, China
    2013-2016 Research Fellow, Network Science Institute, Northeastern University, USA
    2010-2013 Research Scientist, Temasek Laboratories, National University of Singapore, Singapore

    2005-2010 Ph.D. Degree, University of Science and Technology of China, Major: EE
    2007-2009 Visiting Student, Centre for Complexity and Complex Networks, CityU Hong Kong
    2005-2010 B.Sc. Degree, University of Science and Technology of China, Major: EE

    Email: gyan AT tongji DOT edu DOT cn
    Tel:      +86 (021) 6598 2141